Join us for the 26th but totally up leveled edition of the original Wise Women’s Weekend!

More Info Coming Soon!



Gathering The Tribe:

Your host for these events is Dianna Lucas, Holistic Wellness Specialist, who brings to this community her knowledge and experiences in ancient traditions and rituals. Her desire is to open the pathways of self-love, self-fulfillment, creative change and wellness within each of us. She shares her knowledge with the intent of bringing a true sense of well-being to each individual. She brings gifted facilitators in the healing arts who share their talents, compassion, and skill during classes, workshops, and services held throughout the weekend.

labrynth-walk huts 


EXTRAS (optional ideas):
Snacks, binoculars, book, camera, musical instrument, fan for bunk, flashlight and batteries, headlamp flashlight, clip-on reading light, bungee cords and extra blankets.


All love and blessings,



Women’s Weekend  gift package

If you would like to give someone the gift of wellness, of sisterhood and adventure, this is it! Your gift will be wrapped and ready for holiday giving and will include a gift certificate for Women’s Weekend,  a trusty flashlight, and a few other necessities and surprises. This will be available for a limited time, so buy now for holiday gifts, birthday giving, anniversary gifts, or just because you are awesome and you treat your loved ones to life changing experiences.  Details of the retreat experience vary from year to year.