Outdoor season officially begins May 1st

we are outside 4/29 Monday for Beltane practice at 6pm

New offering for Tuesday

6pm 15 minutes of guided and silent meditation with Dianna followed by a 45 minute power practice led by Rose Pelosi

10am Saturdays and Sundays with Dianna

Mondays and Wednesdays  at 6pm with Dianna

Yoga at the Grand Basin in Forest Park is scheduled for every Monday and Wednesday at 6pm Saturdays and Sundays at 10am.

New Moons and Full Moon Sacred Sound Journey each month. Visit events page to register.

Cancellations are only due to extreme weather, including heavy rain, lightning, and temperatures under 49 degrees. 

Drop-in rate is $15 cash/check/Venmo or $17 via credit card or PayPal

Class card  10 for $125 cash/check/Venmo or $130 via credit card/PayPal

Class cards are valid for 6 months from purchase date. Please track your classes on the sign in sheet. (Class cards are not refundable)

Contribute to our scholarship fund

Full Moon Restorative Yoga and Meditation Sound Journey

Weather Permitting

Join us directly after our regular 6pm practice for deep relaxation.

Relax into the healing sounds of the natural elements and allow for the sacred Tibetan & Crystal bowls, the majestic Planetary gongs and resonant chimes to ease you into a sonic journey – imagine a magic carpet ride – through the world of sound & vibration for energetic clearing, re-balancing and deep relaxation.

Guided gentle, restorative yoga, a soothing voice, guiding meditation and a sound bath for many is a surprising and delightful experience of a deep relaxation. The journey into sacred sound and movement can help open us to see ourselves with more insight and clarity.
Our space is open air, prepare for the weather. Please dress comfortably, bring a yoga mat, pillows, blankets and anything you need to feel cozy and get ready to take off…
Optional: eye masks, leg pillow, essential oils, crystals.


Yoga classes at the Grand Basin in Forest Park are seasonal and subject to weather related changes. Please like the Grand Basin Yoga Forest Park Facebook page to see updates and special events.

Text 314-495-9960 for weather related confirmation.


My classes offer inspiration from many traditions and include meditation, intention setting, calling in the elements, and directions, pranayama and appropriately challenging asana. Classes are very focused but delivered with a sense of humor. The practice is based upon the yogis who come to class. I check in to see what the students need each time and craft my session from there.

I also include energy work during practice and offer verbal guidance and cueing.  I make adjustments when necessary but I prefer for my students to get to the poses naturally and over time, by feeling them in their own bodies. It is a very personal experience. Classes are 75 to 90 minutes and there is often live music with guided meditation/visualization along with time for silence during savasana. The energy comes from the fountains of overflowing joy.

There’s Always Room For You!
All levels are welcome and practice is meant to inspire not discourage beginners. The community is very welcoming and diverse. There is often live music and opportunities to connect with other students after classes. Be prepared to have fun!

Please bring your mats, props, water, and sunscreen.

Register via

Class cards are available for purchase via Venmo, or you can pay on site with cash. Please ask about scholarships, Seva, and pay it forward plans.

New Students: 
Please complete the online registration form