When our hearts desire becomes greater than our fear, we find a way. When we decide that we truly want something we will trade and negotiate and maneuver until we make it happen. A retreat is an opportunity for transformation,…
Take the Bind.
What?! When I am teaching yoga in a way that I feel keeps all of the participants safe in their bodies and safe from being triggered from traumatic experiences, I offer invitations rather than instructions. [Trauma informed yoga has become…
Winter Wellness Recipes
Benefits of Burdock: Traditionally used as a blood purifier, burdock helps to clear the bloodstream of…
A Weekend with a Mentor
Desiree Rumbaugh Feb 5-7, 2016 Center of Clayton 50 Gay Avenue, 63105 This…
Mushroom Risotto – Vitamin D rich Brown Rice Risotto with Wild Mushroom
Cook time: 45 mins recipe: serves 4-6 1 cup short grain brown rice 1/2 cup yellow moong lentils 4 cups water/vegetable stock 1 tbsp olive oil 1 small onion – peeled & chopped 1 bulb of fennel – chopped…
October Newsletter- Seeding the potential for growth and happiness
Golden Milk Elixir
Golden Milk Elixir Golden Milk is the tonic that I most often refer to when clients ask me for help with any inflammatory illness or complaint. From skin eruptions to precancerous conditions to general fatigue this is the go-to daily…
Apple Cider Vinegar Cures All. Really.
Here is the number one recipe that I share and share again. So, here it is in perpetuity for you to refer to when you are sick, allergic, tired, on the verge of something, have a hangover, etc. etc. You…
Nature’s “Neosporin”/Diaper Rash Cream (All Natural Healing Balm)
I try to avoid Neosporin because its made with petroleum jelly and is far less effective as the natural options. My preferred healing salve (or “boo-boo cream” according to the kiddo) is helpful on cuts, bruises, stings, and skin irritations.…
Excuse me, I just blogged.

Well before i go giving any excuses for why it’s been so long since my last post and blah blah blah, just know that here I sit, consider my arm twisted and i hope to do this on a regular(ish)basis.…