When our hearts desire becomes greater than our fear, we find a way. When we decide that we truly want something we will trade and negotiate and maneuver until we make it happen. A retreat is an opportunity for transformation,…
Winter Wellness Recipes
Benefits of Burdock: Traditionally used as a blood purifier, burdock helps to clear the bloodstream of…
October Newsletter- Seeding the potential for growth and happiness
yoga takes more than the mat…

Yoga is so much more than a series of ancient postures perfected over time in a studio… it is a way of living.There are many ways to “live yoga” and Yoga can be practiced on many levels. Having an open,…
Shift Happens- the Yoga of Love

Shift Happens- the Yoga of Love Yoga teaches us to dissolve the ego, to live in the moment with flexibility and courage. Yoga teaches us to “put ourselves in uncomfortable and challenging positions and to become comfortable with them so…